Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why is masturbation wrong? Does it have consequences on the person?


Question: I would like to know from the point of view of the Church for what is bad masturbation and why 'sexologists' defend, I do and I wonder if what I do is a sin and if severe and if you can have problems for me in the future (or in my marriage when I get married).


Next I take the book by Father Jorge Loring, 'To save' (n. 68.23).

Self-abuse (masturbation) is abusing exciting the body's own genitals to voluntarily procure pleasure to orgasm. Sometimes you start out of curiosity; but if this bias is not corrected it becomes an obsessive habit that enslaves the person and disinterested for everything else: as happens to the drug addict.

Masturbation can become an obsession in the person. It makes selfish sexual pleasure, when God has to be shared in marriage. I know of cases of failed marriages because one of the two, enslaved by masturbation, refused to natural expressions of love within marriage.
Who is left to enslave the vice of masturbation can ruin the sexual harmony of their marriage. A young woman complained in a doctor's office that her husband was with her very little sex. He acknowledged, in front of her, she preferred masturbating.

Who has the misfortune of being enslaved to this bad habit you should put more effort into corrected soon. This vice strings tightly, it is increasingly difficult to be separated from him, and when a person is enslaved, the debased, the brutish cancels his will, takes his character, disrupts the development of his personality, weakens faith, produces nervous breakdown makes selfish and incapable of loving another person.

You can not abuse the body. Nature happens after the bill. The human body has its limits. You can not spend the energies destined to the integral development of the human person.

Even Freud 'the masturbator incurs risk of blocking the development and maturation of his psicoafectividad' (Dr. HONORIO SANJUÁN: Studies on Sexuality, 3, III Toledo. 1979).

'The usual practice of masturbation leads to serious nervous disorders "(Dr. JOSÉ TODOLÍ: Studies on Sexuality, 4, Toledo II.).

All doctors agree that when masturbation is frequent, leading to neurasthenia (DUBOIS: The sexual revolution, XIII, 2. Barcelona, ​​1975).

And when masturbation is a vice enslaves as all vices.

'When masturbation becomes a habit, it should be classified as immaturity. (...) When masturbation symptoms of psychosis and neurosis, to be sought the help of a professional who undergo appropriate treatment. (...) The sources that feed the fantasy -lecturas, television, cinema-are to be regarded as the basis of many actions that should not have taken place if they had not been stimulated. "

There are sex maniacs seeking pleasure again and again by itself, and fall, such as drug addicts, in the circle of insatiable repetition, in order to overcome each new attempt, the endless frustrations.

'Masturbation custom made usually gives beings psychically withdrawn into themselves, especially incapable of rising to a real sexual love' (B. HÄRING: The law of Christ, 3rd, 3rd, I. Ed Herder Barcelona..).

The vice of masturbation is the cause of many failures in school and in sports. They know this very well students and athletes.

When a human being gets used to satisfy an instinct in a certain way, you can lose, through a psychological mechanism, desire or attraction to all other forms.

Cigarette satisfy the sexual hunger of an abnormal and vicious form, can eventually cause repellency by the natural act, which the masturbator falls squarely in the field of psychological sexual disability.

The vice of masturbation leads to premature ejaculation in marriage, which prevents accommodate the rate of women is slower, and causes serious problems in the marital sexual harmony.

American physicians who had treated girls masturbated, found that after marriage resulted frigid wives.

Dr. Luis Risk says: "It is not wise to consider masturbation as something natural, it causes a number of disorders in adolescents. Not only in the religious field, but on the emotional, psychological, intellectual, etc., which are felt its bad effects. (...) A teenager who strongly feel young sex drive, has a profound educational value.

(...). Later in his married life, often have to master his inclinations' (Dr. LUIS RISK: Speaking family, III, 5. EAPSA Madrid.).

These body parts must be respected delicately, and only touch of necessity, cleanliness, hygiene, etc. But never touch these organs just for fun. That is not played.

This is a degrading, disgusting, unthinkable sin in a delicate person. However, if after you ashamed to confess, then double misfortune is irreparable. If you had the misfortune to fall, do not let the shame of confessing. You go to a priest and pour out your consciousness to forgive you and help you out of such a sad state. Have confidence. You're hopeless.

Many began this bad habit without knowing its significance. Either because they discovered it in a casual way, either because they were taught by someone who intentionally downplayed the issue.
But masturbation is a vice that can enslave strongly and transform the character of the person, and even their religious ideology.

Masturbation can lead to losing faith. Many have begun disbelief in masturbation. The young man is inclined to masturbate, hears that the Church forbids it, and tempted to leave the Church forbids what you enjoy doing, and perhaps finds it hard to avoid.

Jose Antonio Sayes said: 'But on the other hand, we must not forget that masturbation does not contribute to overcoming sexual problems or voltage given time. Leads, by itself, ultimately, greater eroticism and a growing obsession, so that eventually the problem persists.

Sex, do not forget, (Chauchard never tires of repeating) is mostly in the head. It has a haunting capacity such that the solution can only be achieved when the man gets delivered his thinking to tasks that excite you. The solution to the problem of sex, and an excessive obsession, found only indirectly, when the man gets focus your thoughts on something that excites you. I have witnessed how boys who have surrendered forward to a sporting occupation, even in the presence of girls, or another type of occupation, they had no sexual problem; as he always came to be left out for leisure. "

It is easy for those who have contracted the habit of masturbation experience strong feelings of guilt capable of destroying all life and stimulus to produce a permanent inferiority complex. The only pastorally effective treatment is to try to open horizons towards full expression of emotion and to cultural tasks, professional, social and religious, to give meaning to their lives.

The severity of each masturbatory act is not always easy to determine it as it depends on many circumstances and mitigating factors may be responsible. However, one must put a serious effort to avoid the danger of falling into the slavery of habit.

Robinson says: 'Affective disorders and some neurotic situations often cause manifestations of auto-eroticism, reaching sometimes a distinctly psychopathic convulsive character ...

It is proven that masturbation always exerts a bad influence, especially in youth psychology. It weakens the strength of will, self-confidence, and disturbs the development of personality. Creates melancholic and introverted and, basically, selfish. Masturbation is a selfish sexual satisfaction, which marks the person and incapable of true love.

Masturbation is often a cheap and sad resource; compensation a second class consuelillo another success otherwise we have not been able to get.

However, not all masturbatory acts are of the same gravity.

When a young person is interested in corrected and put the means at its disposal even if falls, they may have extenuating their guilt. You can always turn to God for help, because He never abandons those who turn to Him for help for something good and convenient. And as St. Paul says, 'I can do all in Him who strengthens me. "

In adolescence, masturbation may appear as a blip.

Like that of the grains.

But if it's repetitive, it can degenerate into habit; and this is serious. The logical thing is to leave a feeling of guilt. Certainly better mastered to be defeated. Mastered a sign of adulthood. The victory is a sign of maturity. The fall is a sign of weakness; so let guilt.

In middle age, masturbation can be a symptom of something more serious, especially if it is persistent. You can indicate a mental adolescent, or other mental impairment. It is, of course, in many types of senile dementia and alcoholism. In general it can appear in all states of mind, which decoherence is given a personality that has consequently a loss of control of the most primitive instincts'.

Sometimes falls in masturbation are not a lustful intent. They result from a depression, an anxiety, an anxiety that prevents sleep, etc. Such cases can be remedied with some harmless sedative as Huberplex, Librium, etc.

At a conference I heard him in 1976 to Dr. D. José M Poveda Ariño, Head of the Department of Psychiatry at the Autonomous University of Madrid, entitled 'Science and Sexual Moral Doctrine', he said that masturbation is an avoidable phenomenon by anyone normal. And in cases where this improvement seems hard it is perfectly attainable with products that a doctor may recommend.

In January 1976 the Vatican published a paper on Sexual Moral where it says: 'The deliberate use of the sexual faculty outside normal conjugal relations essentially contradicts the finality of the faculty (n 5)'. This document also says that "masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action (n 9) '.

And in 1983 the Vatican has published another paper on sex education which says: 'Masturbation is a grave moral disorder .And if only God knows subjective moral responsibility for every act, in no way can be argued that in the sexual field no mortal sins are committed. "

But you must not consider sin all touching in your genitals. They can be sin touches designed to arouse sexual pleasure; but other acts that are done out of necessity or hygiene are not sin. And organic upheavals feel involuntarily repressed consent, and at peace. you have not sinned against purity. Learn to distinguish between feeling and consenting. You may sometimes feel movements against your will on your genitals. Get used to ignore those feelings.
Sin is not in feeling, but in the consent. In the ninth commandment I expose how to combat these pesky temptations.

But if you had the misfortune of sorry pleased voluntarily in the sexual pleasure, then you manchaste your purity.

Orgasm, which is shaking the body experiences the satisfaction of sexual pleasure, is the exclusive right of marriage. A single person can neither procure voluntarily or involuntarily accept if you experience it. Sometimes orgasm occurs unexpectedly. In that case it is not lawful to taste voluntarily, but can not avoid the pleasant sensation.

But when it happens sleeping is no sin.

The full sexual pleasure, orgasm, sought directly, it is permitted only within marriage, within the marital act.

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