Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How often should I get a health checkup?

 How often should I get a  health checkup?
It seems a truism, but in health, prevention is extremely important. In general, there is something that keeps us from regular visits to the doctor to look aside and pretend we went from oblivion to oblivion.

However, visits to the doctor should be inescapable. So I will stop here to discuss the importance of medical examinations and noted how often you need to perform a medical checkup.

What makes it so important to a routine medical examination? As noted above, prevention is an unavoidable way to look after your health. Early detection of disease and any disease to find a faster solution. It also tends to improve the results of medical treatments. Among other studies, to check cholesterol and analyzing every symptom of diabetes is critical.

The problem of the low frequency of doctor visits, involving both sexes. However, it seems that men take longer checked with the doctor, as they seem to await the moment when the pain becomes intolerable to go to the doctor.

Why postpone a checkup? We should not expect the appearance of greater signs of disease or infirmity, as a preinfarction. Regular visits to the doctor will allow you to have more control over the state of your health and be more relaxed.

It is usual to hear talk of the annual medical checkup. In fact, although it is a reasonable period, it really depends on the patient's age. If it comes to a child, checks should be performed more frequently to control normal development. In the case of adults, in some countries like the United States, the frequency of medical supervision it is estimated according to age and gender.

The important thing is that you should make a routine visit to the doctor, who will tell you the necessary examinations, as well as the frequency of checks. Surely, if you have a history of illness in the family or if you suffer from any chronic disease, will indicate less spaced visits to take more effective medical supervision.

Anyway, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor before any symptoms of disease. Sometimes even a simple headache can be enough to call the doctor.

Also, keep in mind that dental visits are important to your health. A biannual consultation is sufficient to control the state of your teeth and perform a dental cleaning. Likewise, if you use glasses, you should see an ophthalmologist once a year.

Sport and food
In addition to medical check-ups, prevention is completed with daily sport and a healthy diet. Good health care starts with the way we eat. So maintaining a healthy diet and cover your different needs is vital.
Also, exercise is important at any age. Finding a suitable exercise program that takes into account the requirements and characteristics of your physical, it will be ideal.

Well, I think you can start by scheduling a consultation with the doctor, and then you can continue with some recipes and tips for preventing diseases. I follow them daily and at the same time, I learned that seeing a doctor is very important. What do you think?


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