Friday, October 9, 2015

Solution to various skin diseases

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Our society has undergone in the last century radical changes in lifestyle that may be causing more and more people are affected by skin diseases whose solution is usually to find an easy route.
Toxic additives in all types of products (GMOs, toxic food, toxic home or toxic in cosmetics and hygiene) could be the cause of this dramatic increase in skin conditions. But it is difficult to point to a specific culprit, a substance or a habit. Even many of these diseases are enhanced with certain moods and, therefore, it is difficult for medical professionals seeking effective long-term solutions when the causes are so diffuse.
Let's take a look at some of the most common diseases of the skin and some natural remedies that we can take into account in relieving our general.

Dermatitis, eczema, atopic skin
The dermatitis is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of swelling and itching of the skin, but may present a very different symptoms: excessive dryness, erythema, skin redness, scaling, blisters, bumps, etc. This disease usually occurs in specific episodes or prolonged in time and almost always psychologically destabilizes people who suffer because the symptoms come and go for no apparent reason and often is the emotional state which triggers itself. Moreover, the affected person suffers constant itching and the slightest atmospheric or emotional change causes sudden episodes.

This skin disease is often associated with food intolerances, malfunction of the digestive system, asthma, excessive dryness of the skin, or extreme sensitivity to certain substances.

We offer below some natural tips you can take to improve your overall:
One of the first aid we can provide our body is to adopt good eating habits and provide it with necessary nutrients to strengthen the immune system and thus help to maintain overall health. To do this, try to avoid acidifying foods such as animal meat, milk, processed foods, saturated fats and food additives. By contrast, in your diet it includes large amounts of whole grain cereals simmered (especially rice, buckwheat or quinoa), legumes (lentils, azukis, chickpeas, beans, soy), nuts (careful with allergies ), seeds (sesame, chiia, poppy, flax, etc.), plenty of vegetables to accompany all the dishes of the day and fruit in moderation. You can consult our healthy recipes.

Healthy lifestyles
Try to implement some healthy habits, such as moderate exercise every day (walking, yoga), dine at an early hour to allow digest before going to bed, early to bed and try to enjoy a deep, restful sleep. Search also the time to carry out rewarding activities (the joy, love and zest for life are extraordinary tools to fight disease).

Control emotions
This disease is closely related to changes in mood and emotional state. A good way to detoxify mind and remain stable is to practice breathing and meditation daily, at least a few minutes. Find a quiet home and set a goal to dedicate to this discipline excellent time every day instead.
External skincare
Use a plug in the shower to remove chlorine from the water you shower. Always try to choose natural products that can moisturize and nourish the skin, avoiding toxic chemicals (print this list to take when you buy). Another useful practice is to not use sponges or scrub the skin while bathing or showering, and using (non-synthetic) natural garments that do not irritate the skin and do not favor the sweat. Learn to develop cosmetic mixtures with vegetable and essential oils and discover what the best vegetable and essential oils for sensitive skin are. You can also develop a natural rash cream (in the report we talk about diaper rash, but works for any type of dermatitis).

Other Considerations
Sunbathing in moderation and, above all, baths with sea water often greatly relieve the symptoms of this disease. If you do not live on the coast, every time you have chance to go to a beach be sure to equip yourself with a good array of bottles filled with seawater for use during applying it with a diffuser on the body every day.

Acne is a skin disease caused by excess sebum production or fat that clogs the pores, triggering an infection by bacteria and causing the appearance of granite and blisters that cause pain and inflammation.
These momentary skin disorders should be treated carefully so as not to leave permanent scars and lesions on the skin of people who suffer.
Acne usually triggered by hormonal puberty, or as a direct result of another disease grounds, but in many cases their appearance in adulthood has more to do with bad habits, poor nutrition, emotional problems or intoxication of any internal organ.
Then you have some important clues when improve acne and prevent it:
Observe your body
When removing the outer skin is a lot of waste products means that the inside of your body needs a thorough cleaning. The first thing you are analyzing your behavior patterns and what kind of circumstance or factor may be triggering the onset of this skin condition. Of course, it detoxifies the body as a first step.

Once we have detoxified the body, you need to learn to eat well always basing dietary intake of vegetables and whole grains abundant grain (brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, etc). Add seasonal vegetables to any meal of the day and try to eat some raw. You can always choose foods rich in fiber because it will help cleanse the body through the intestine or tonics. Reduce or eliminate your intake of refined products, artificial sweeteners, milk, animal meat, additives and increases the amount of natural and fresh products as well as rich in essential fatty acids.

Skin care
Wherever possible, use natural products that will not irritate the skin, preferably vegetable jojoba oil combined with essential oil of geranium, lemon, mint and tea tree. Check out our tips, recipes and acne treatments to make your own products. You may also be interested to know what are the best plants and essential oils for skins with acne or how to develop a natural cream with beeswax.

Healthy habits
Moderate exercise every day to tone the body is one of the best ways to invest in our health. Try dinner a couple of hours before bedtime and do it at an early hour to favor the production of melatonin, and she will help you enjoy a deep, restful sleep.

Fungal or fungal diseases are caused by fungal attack on the skin that occurs most often in people with a compromised immune system. It is a contagious disease, so we must be cautious when exposing the affected area of ​​the skin to another person.
Fungi grow happily in damp, warm environments, so the closed pools and gym locker rooms are authentic havens where they proliferate at ease.

This skin disease sometimes manifests itself in the foot, showing itching, scaling, excessive dryness or through a brown stain that is slowly covering the nail. It can also occur in fingernails, usually appearing on the side as rough and dry flake. The scalp is also target fungi and in this case in the form of oozing scaly layers (in this case, and if not treated early can cause serious irreversible hair problems).

 Here are some steps you can take out in case of fungal infection:

To prevent them, try to wear sandals or flip flops whenever you're in the pool, especially if your immune system is not going very strong. Since fungi thrive in hot and humid conditions, dry your feet thoroughly whenever you leave the shower and try to choose a shoe that lets you sweat and remove excess heat and humidity.
The essential oil of tea tree is one of the most effective natural fungicides there, along with the essential oil of thyme (although the latter is stronger and you have to use it diluted, unlike tea tree, which can applied directly to the skin). Take a few drops directly on the affected area several times a day until the fungus disappears (and we assure you, if you apply it consistently, disappear). You can also use hydrolyte tea tree or thyme hydrolyte (the hydrosols or floral waters are very soft and are used as a tonic to the skin).
 Remember that a skin disease tells us about the general state of our body. Whatever the direct causes that generate, if you keep living habits (diet, practice of moderate exercise, rest and efficient natural skin care) healthy, the chances of developing the disease will always be inferior.

If you are interested in the benefits of natural cosmetics (which are many), we advise you to start developing your own natural beauty kit knowing the many benefits of using essential oils, vegetable oils and clay on the skin. It is also important to know to conduct a daily, weekly and monthly proper skin routine.

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