Various Skin diseases that you don’t know, that affect you every day.
The skin is the largest organ of our body and is a
projection surface where psychosomatic processes are shown.
All skin diseases are diseases of love.
In general, the skin is related to the valuation of
itself to the outside. As the body wrap, it represents the image that man has
of himself. A person who wants to know what image of himself only has to
describe their skin. Any skin problem relates to the shame that the affected
person feels about herself. Gives too much attention to what others think of
her, and their judgments. It is not allowed to be herself and easily rejected.
Often he feels hurt in its entirety. It is also very sensitive to what happens
on the outside, which is allowed to touch too easy for others (figuratively
speaking) and that it is difficult to love as it is individual. When the skin
condition is accompanied by pus, it means you can not stand someone or
something, to the point that you occasions this problem to get away. A serious
skin condition is an excellent resource to deter others. The skin helps to
establish contact with other people, but it can also be a means of isolation. A
person can both be ashamed of what is or what might be, who refuses to approach
another and uses his problem as an excuse. It becomes "untouchable".
Wanted "moult", ie change completely. When the person has tried
unsuccessfully to get close to someone and as a result keeps much resentment
and anger, skin cancer can be created. If the problem only alters the surface
of the skin, such as vitiligo, the affected person lives with difficulty a
separation, a loss of contact or loss of communication. The feels like a
rejection or a definitive break. It's the kind of person who wants to save
others, especially members of the opposite sex.
The skin covering my whole body and defines what is
"inside" and what is "outside", that is my individuality.
On the surface, my skin is the largest organ of my body. It is a protective
layer that defines precisely my living space and leaves translucent faithfully
and unconsciously my inner state. If I am a sweet person, so will my skin. If
my sensitivity is very large, well my skin is very sensitive. On the contrary,
if I am rather hard on myself or with others, my skin is also very hard and
thick. If my skin is irritated, there is something or someone in my life that
irritates me. Great insecurity makes my skin is damp skin while perspiring much
evacuates the emotions I retain and need to evacuate. The quality of my relations
with the outside world will be as represented by the state of my skin.
The skin is like the bark of a tree. It reveals that
there are external or internal problems. Isolating the cells of my body, may
constituents about my external environment. If my skin has abnormalities,
chances are it's a person who attaches great importance to the opinions of
others and what they can say about me. Being unsure of himself and me being
afraid of being rejected or hurt me, I'm going to create me a skin disease that
will become a "natural barrier" that saves some distance with my
surroundings. The skin is a soft tissue that is related to the mental energy
and therefore express my insecurities, my uncertainties hence the expression
"to be red with anger." My skin may change color when I'm upset or
when I feel shame. It is because the physical demarcation line, my mask between
my inner and my outer. If my skin is dry, water is lacking. Water is the second
element (after air) necessary to life. My relationships with life are dry and
arid. I lock my relationships internally with the environment. I can have the
feeling of "dry off". I find joy in my communication with others. The
dead skin flakes make me indicates that neglect old mindsets. If I have pimples
on the skin surface is outwardly express relationship problems, communication
with my environment, regarding specific points. If my skin shows signs of
inflammation, then I should not be less irritated against certain situations of
internal or external conflict. If my skin is oily, it is to retain, I retain
too many emotions for me. I can want to run away from a situation or person as
if trying to catch, as the small ball covered with oil is to catch and sliding
through his fingers. I let flow the energy for my negative thoughts may
disappear. I must look calmly, coldly frustrations feed my skin is clearer and
thinner. The more I become transparent and true to others, the more transparent
will my skin. Irritation shows me that there is one or more irritating thoughts
that rise to the surface of my skin and I have to look at them from the front
to stop and disturb my attention. The more you are able to appreciate my
qualities and offer little sweeter, my skin will "sweat" this welfare
for its sweetness and clarity. The more you are able to freely communicate my
emotions, more relaxing and my skin glows.
On the face, acne is related to individuality (=
individuality head) and is related to the harmony that live inside and what
happens outside. The face is the part of me that gives the face to others
first, which allows me to be accepted or rejected. Acne can occur when I am
emotionally and mentally at odds with my own reality. This conflict is linked
to the expression of my own inner self and nature. Thus acne is a visible expression
of irritation, resentment, rejection, fear, shame or insecurity in front of me
or others and demonstrates acceptance of me-not himself. I feel ugly and
sometimes even disgusting. These expressions are all attached to the statement
of my identity, my unconditional love and acceptance of me himself. Acne is
physically manifested by skin lesions (skin) located in the epidermis. I know
that fast food (fast food) may promote the development of acne and affect liver
function headquarters anger. As a teenager, acne is often associated with
internal changes that I live in the moment that I choose between fear of
opening up to me himself and others (resistors, choices, decisions) and break
(an often unconsciously) all contact with others, or, face me with changes in
my life, with adjustments related to my inner world and my vision of the
outside world. To no longer be a child and not yet fully adult, I can feel in
an awkward position in relation to my own image. It may even be unaware of
losing face in front of what you may think of me fear my environment. Thus acne
is manifested by an unconscious fear of my sexuality, by an attempt to
externalize what I truly am. As a teenager, my behavior is contact with others,
even if I want to earnestly do otherwise. I start to filter ugliest people I do
not want my magnetic field or in my environment; I establish boundaries and
just let people go who I'm really good; I want to be in peace without being
disturbed by others who separated unconsciously; I -same doubling back on me
and I want to stay like this: I cannot love me enough; then others cannot love
me and I know something is bothering me and make negativity under my skin; I
compare myself to others and I find all kinds of defects (too fat, too high,
etc.) I am limited in my living space and reject me; I feel controlled and run
by my parents for excessive way; I identify with one parent to please others
rather than keep my own identity. Accepting the heart level changes made in me,
I'll keep listening to my (sexual or other) fundamental needs of a healthy and
natural way. One day I'll find someone who will correspond to my expectations.
Acne can be placed in different parts of the body. In the back, it refers to my
past, my habits, my previous fears and my anxieties. It is a way of rejecting
me. Or I can direct the rejection by people who seems to receive little support
or support about me. When placed in the upper back, it represents repressed
anger or irritation trying to find relief. Chest represents the future and what
is planned for me. Acne means finding my living space and the respect of others
in front of it. I take my place with the heart and even if necessary, to
express to others what my space and place that can take in relation to my
living space. I love and accept myself as I am and I want to please others at
any cost.
Acrodermatitis is a skin disease that mainly affects
the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, where are placed four of the
twenty-one energy centers (chakras) lower body. This indicates a need to give
me more love with my hands as the energy center located in the palm of each
hand is an extension of the energy center of the heart representing love. I can
learn a technique of healing by laying on of hands, which will help me to let
flow this energy of love lock myself. I can also do manual labor of creativity,
painting or drawing this energy to pass more freely through my hands. As far as
feet are concerned, I consider myself walking on sacred ground and let the energy
flow freely that I harbor toward Earth, knowing that constantly receipt to let
that energy flow.
As for acrodermatitis, acrokeratosis affects the
soles of the feet and the palms becoming thicker epidermis. I use my mental
energy to protect me from having to give my hands and feel in better harmony
with the earth; Libero my mind of these anxieties and can take into account
suggestions made for acrodermatitis to circulate energy.
The blister is a collection of water that forms between
two parts of the skin, or the dermis and epidermis, because of repeated
friction at the same place. The accumulation of water so formed acts by way of
natural protection of the body. Puts in evidence because my lack of protection,
especially on the emotional level, or my lack of resistance. The blister is the
memory of an emotional weakness and where it is located gives an indication of
the level of weakness. A blister on the foot is related to my notion of
security, the ground on which I walk, the way I take. If you are behind the
heel, it is linked to my mother, my own maternal qualities. A blister on his
hands takes me to see the irritation and frustration in what I do or how I
carry my life. So, looking at where is located the blister, I wonder what
irritates me in my life, which causes friction and causes me in my grief
(water) even unconscious. The blister is here to bring me more
"light" on what I live.
Anthrax is an infection of the skin, formed by the
meeting of several boils and extending into the subcutaneous tissue. Then Live
harmful aggression from the fact that I have the feeling that I have been
deprived of personal liberty of unfair and unacceptable way. I became aware
that I have to learn how to find the place where I belong and I have the power
to change any situation in my life. I need only decide this.
An eruption of pimples is the appearance of small
red spots accompanied by excrescences on the surface of the skin. My skin is
the first part of me that comes into contact with the universe. The red color
is connected with my emotions and itching is the sign of my disappointment. I
am irritated by delays and frustrated by a situation or someone. This outbreak
or rash may also be linked with the shame and guilt I feel. In general, there
is a state of intense stress before my emotions and this is what makes the
grain appear. Just as the earth shows volcanic eruptions because a too strong
tension beneath the surface of the earth's crust builds up, skin rashes manifest
internal tensions that want to break free. If I am in a similar situation in
the future, my body will remember and will spring a new eruption. Inwardly, I'm
upset, I can feel threatened, I can even reject me as a person. My insecurity
leads me to "retire" hoping perhaps anyone near me. Unconsciously, I
can even use this medium to attract attention. The area affected body tells me
what level my disappointment lies. I became aware of the cause and agree to
express what I feel. This frees me and my skin again becomes clear.
The grains are often associated with acne. Acne is
usually located in certain body parts (face, back, etc.), and the grains can be
found throughout the body. They are embodied small bags that can contain pus,
according to cause infection. Grains that have expressed impatience, I
anticipate things and fast. If the pus is manifested, I am angry, I boil
inside. I feel upset and worried. Perhaps I live a small inner sadness and, in
the case of grains throughout the body, a general discouragement. The grains in
the face are linked to individuality. Does the same meaning as facial acne, a
rejection filter people passing my “barriers” want peace without approaching
me. I take time before saying or doing something, reminding me that I am fully
The callus is a densification and hardening of the
skin, linked to repeated friction, therefore certain attitudes and rigid
thoughts schemes currently transported. Several regions of the body can be
affected. The skin is linked to mental energy and when it builds up and
crystallizes in fear reaction in relation to any situation, then comes an
immobility or inertia preventing the movement of this energy, no flexibility in
my thoughts. I remain open even afraid. This fear leads me to shut me and shake
my objective view of life. I discover the cause of my fear and then locked and
energy accumulated in the epidermis starts to spread in harmony with me. My
skin will become soft and young. The region in which the callus is manifested
can give me further information: for example, shoulder level, I harden my ideas
and attitudes toward the responsibilities of my life and etc.
Itching is linked to the skin, the more extended
sense organ of the human body. Itching is an irritation, which
"slips" under the skin and affects me in a particular place or that
irritates me inside. I am concerned about unfulfilled desires and impatience
installed and makes me scratch, scratch, scratch ... rascamientos These
situations tell me that my life does not go according to my wishes. Things are
not going quite quickly for me. Life pushes me to make quick changes. Live
insecurity and remorse because of this. What should I do to change this?
Identify the "cause" irritation. Are you related to my father, my
mother or someone I love? Is it a situation I want to change inwardly? If
irritation to the whole body is widespread, affecting my entire being in a very
intense way. If you are in a particular place, I find the answer according to
the affected body part. No matter the answer, I accept it because I know it is
beneficial for me. I have no need to flee or leave what I live for the itching
disappear. But if it comes to allergies, I look at what or who I'm allergic. I
need not feel bad to scratch incessantly. For myself, I know that openness of
heart cure many ills!
Dermatitis is inflammation of my skin. It's the part
of me that at first makes contact with the universe and therefore reflects
several of my fears and my inner insecurities. Inflammation is trying to
express repressed irritation. This anger can be made myself as for others.
Dermatitis is a way to react if someone "slips" under my skin, upsets
me, disturbs me or cause me frustration situation. It reveals a need for
physical contact (usually by touch) that asks to be filled or the need to avoid
a contact that is imposed on me and rejection. Given the difficulty or not
daring to tell the other person to stop, my skin "seething with
anger," or rather, I have difficulty expressing my need for human contact,
touch, etc.
Eczema is a skin infection overlaid with red areas
that may occur in adults as in children. I am a hypersensitive person. There I
learned to love and to fear being hurt, live greatly depending on what others
expect of me. I'm afraid of being abandoned. If I have eczema, and I lived a
very intense situation of separation. This could happen even when I was in my
mother's womb. In my life, I have a tendency to re-create situations where I
feel separate, particularly people I love. Eczema "affecting" the
skin, which I lack, even unconsciously, is the contact, touch the person prior
to separation, now that I have lost or only rarely. It's because my skin that
made contact with the other and, taken habérseme this contact, my skin
expresses his need to be touched, in the form of eczema. This brings me to
isolate myself, to retire and despise. I forget constantly to the detriment of
others. I attach great importance to what people may think of me or the way I
perceive. The image you project is very important. I have difficulty in being.
Not knowing where my destiny leads me to believe a lot of concern and then I
won anxiety. Step from despair to anger or rebellion. This desperation to
"incubate" will break "by waves. All these factors together lead
me to live a frustration and irritation. While I try to please everyone, I
forget to take into consideration my own needs; all this to make me love for
others. I act according to the expectations of others instead of doing what I
like. Rejection of who I am. I do not love me as I am, therefore the fact that
the skin is apparent that everyone can see, is in poor condition, even "ugly",
confirm physically how I perceive inwardly. The more I reject, I attract more
people around me that give me the feeling of reject; my fear of rejection will
manifest! This brings me to "to retreat" and cut of external reality
but, for myself, what I want is to approach people. So I can be
"irritated" that are emotionally aware. With eczema I will erect a
physical barrier between me and the other to protect and help feeling
threatened or injured. However, in the case of a baby, I will develop a crust
of milk because I need more warmth and physical contact with the people I love.
Feeling "isolated", I will manifest eczema to approach others. I need
love and attention. In the case of a child, my need to be touched appears to
have a skin contact (in the literal sense) with someone who loves me and not a
contact in which there would be a blanket or clothes that prevent this physical
contact. Let me be an adult or a child, this crust is what I should drop to
finally volverme me, this hidden for so long. I leave certain attitudes,
certain mindset to let go of my past and concentrate on actions to take to
realize my potential. I accept myself as I am and love me. DOES NOT GIVE ME, I
CAN NOT GIVEN SERME, such is the law of reciprocity. Because I identify my real
needs and act in accordance with it. I learn to live fully the present moment,
knowing that every move I make my way today morning. Advancement in life with
Epidermidis is an inflammatory condition of the
skin, the outer skin. Surely there is a tension between what I live and what
happens internally in my life outside. Studying this that is linked to skin and
skin problems on the metaphysical plane, I'll get better understand what
remedial live.
Scleroderma by hardening of the skin, loss of
mobility and flexibility features. I remain a person affected by this disease,
I am a tough person myself, and often feel hurt. I live very insecure, I must
constantly protect the people around me. To achieve this, I harden while I become
a block of ice. The cure is in the open with others. So, I agree to open my
heart to love, feel the warmth and comfort that are around me, this heat that
descends into the depths of me and make this block frosting melt me.
A boil is defined as being a skin inflammation
caused by bacteria, characterized by a white mass of dead tissue. I have the
feeling that someone or something is poisoning my existence and suppressing
inside all my anger, my anxieties, I'll be tired and too manifest by one or more
boils. Since boils affect the skin, lived anger is often the result of a
situation where I was separated from someone or something that I appreciated
and thus cannot have physical contact (touch). The place of my body manifests
the boil gives me a reference to the aspect of my life indication aroused so
much anger in me and about why "this" boiling inside me. For example,
a boil on his left shoulder indicating frustration with me regarding my family
responsibilities and my partner. I can have the feeling of being overloaded and
my spouse is not doing enough. I want to express the anger that I live and ask
for help, if desired, to prevent poison and with boils.
Any frustration boil indicates unspoken. If it
occurs at the level of my sexual organs, is it possible to live wrath was my
spouse (or sexual partner) and the way in which sexuality is experienced (eg
can be frustrated by the duration, frequency, intensity our sexual) relations?
And if I'm single at the moment boils appear, I can live angry because I do not
live my sexuality as I want, not having spouse. Whichever my situation, if I
have a spouse, it is important to communicate my needs, my frustration for both
we bring the necessary changes to a complete sexuality. If I'm single, I accept
my present situation as being the best of times. Having a positive attitude,
increase my chances of finding a person with whom I can develop a beautiful
relationship and know satisfy all levels.
The cracks are painful cuts that are typically found
on the hands and feet. Probably live pronounced irritation with someone,
something or a situation. Cracks out especially in winter, being caused by the
cold, I have the feeling of being burned alive by a person or situation because
the intense cold can burn as much as fire. If it cracks in your hands, it
affects my daily life; however if you are on your feet, you may fear what will
become of me in the future.
Herpes, skin rash type of inflammatory grouped
vesicles is commonly called fierce fires. This virus infects countless people
and also stays in the body forever. It appears even after several years of
"sleep". The herpes simplex virus (HSV) can basically sprout in the
form of mainly affecting the mouth ulcers, lips or genitals. Several causes are
linked with herpes:
This can be frustrating because I could not make
certain desires and feel something "powerless",
I want someone to tear me no kiss; or because we
judge or because I want to punish him.
I can be angry with me for saying offensive words.
You may make a harsh judgment against a person of
the opposite sex and generalizing to the whole (Ex: all men are ... ").
There are ways to keep a distance from others
because the regions in which develops herpes are usually the lips and genitals,
basic places for personal communication, verbal or emotional with others.
Ulcers can tell me that I live an emotional and mental distress (because they
are involved soft tissue and fluids), who live a type of rash or a great inner pain.
Since lips kiss beloved people (spouse, children, parents, etc.), oral herpes
tells me that you may live a situation in which there is a separation of a
person who used to kiss. The contact at the level of lip skin has been removed
for some reason and herpes manifests. In the nose (most sparsely), herpes tells
me that I can live rage linked with the fact that it is thought, in my
environment, "put my nose everywhere." The eruptions seem closely
related to stress and conflicting situations, especially when I do something
reluctantly or when I reverse my inner feelings (ex .: when I have a sexual
experience with a person with whom I do not want to be). Thus, the herpes can
give me the message that I live a shame, weariness towards life, a lack of
self-love. This virus poses all issues of shame, guilt, commitment and
self-denial often linked to sexuality (observing the affected body part, I can
find the cause). And judging process of judging others harshly. I learn to open
up to others. I am more confident in my intimate relationships. I love you more
and becomes the sun in my life. I'm proud of who I am.
VAGINAL HERPES, according to popular belief, comes
from the unconscious sexual guilt and the desire for self-punishment. Genital
herpes can occur if there is no sexual contact. You may have a spouse and we
parted. Or we can be physically separated for example if one of the two has
left business for a certain period of time. Lacking physical contact with the
skin of my genitals and hard living this "separation" I will show my
discomfort with vaginal herpes. You may also be living my frustration as my sex
is concerned, either because they are not successful or otherwise, are fully
satisfactory and I do remember something painful. I mean, I can wonder why I've
been so many years living dissatisfaction when today, this works so well,
because I have not known this before. In popular religious education it is
going to pretend that this was willed by God to punish us. The feeling of shame
leads me to want to deny even to not accept my genitals. The genitals were the
scapegoats of many religions. I love my body and I'm glad my sexuality. God
made me in his image. I am amazed at the beauty that I am.
Various types of lupus. However, lupus usually an
inflammatory disease that can play many organs. Its origin is attributed to the
autoimmune system. Developing lupus when I live a great disappointment, hate or
am ashamed of me, which makes my defense system weakens. My discomfort very
often stems from a deep emotional guilt that gnaws at me inside. I prefer
punish rather than affirm. Under the arms, chapter because I have the feeling
that there is no way out, no solution and I can live my frustration with
impotence. Death is an escape and refuse to accept the love and forgiveness
towards myself or towards others. Learn to love again is an important step,
even essential, to my healing. I can ask for help inwardly or ask competent
people to help me to start the process of inner healing.
These spots on the skin also called
"cravings" are common malformations of small blood vessels, also
called capillaries, located in the superficial part of the skin. If, at birth,
had a stain on the skin, I can start looking at what part of my body is the stain.
This usually corresponds to a strong emotion, usually anger or sorrow, lived by
my mother when I was carrying and that affected me too.
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