Friday, October 9, 2015

Why smokers dies at young age.

The organs affected by the consumption of snuff are many: the lung and cardiovascular system are the most specific.
The severity is directly proportional to the age of onset, number of cigarettes per day, the number of years of smoking, inhaling smoke more or less deeply.
Smoking increases the risk of cancer, including bladder, liver, larynx, esophagus, pancreas. It is also a risk factor for the development of early diabetic damage (albuminuria) and worsening of diabetic retinopathy in young patients.

Diseases related to smoking:
According to the World Health Organization most lung cancers, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and cardiovascular diseases, are caused by the consumption of snuff.
In Italy it is estimated that smoking is responsible for 91% of all lung cancer deaths in men and 55% for women, for a total of nearly 80,000 deaths per year.
 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons contained in the "tar" and polonium 210 are primarily responsible for the development of tumors.

Smoking is the major cause of acute and chronic bronchitis, and emphysema (loss of elasticity of the pulmonary endings, alveoli).
Increases episodes of asthma and recurrent respiratory infections.

Heart diseases
Smoking is the major cause of stroke and coronary heart disease.
A stroke occurs when blood flow to the heart is reduced as a result of occlusion of one or more coronary arteries.
Smoking increases the risk of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction because it damages the cells that line the arteries, promoting plaque formation and obstructive thrombosis.
Aortic aneurysms are abnormal dilation of a major artery. And it is dangerous because it can easily break, and the result is immediate death.

 Smoke and sexuality
We said that smoking is a risk factor for arteriosclerosis, which influences male erectile dysfunction. Significantly increases the risk of impotence, especially when associated with cardiovascular disease.
Obviously, not all smokers are helpless, although the snuff is harmful to the creation and quality of semen. It can reduce fertility by reducing sperm density, the number and mobility of sperm.
Smoking and beauty
Smoking accelerates skin aging causes an increase in facial hirsutism and hoarseness.
In addition, smoking decreases the body's defenses, promotes plaque, causes a yellowing of the dentin, increasing the risk of gingivitis, and promotes the development of cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx.
 Smoker healing is much slower. Before surgery, you should stop smoking at least a month before it.

Smoking and memory
The consumption of snuff, in the course of time increases the risk of mental illness, mental deterioration for damage to the blood vessels appear. The smoke produces a narrowing and hardening of the arteries, compromising the supply of oxygen to the brain.

Smoking and pregnancy
The smoke has a negative effect on the reproductive system of women reaches menopause two years earlier than nonsmokers because smoking affects the normal production of female sex hormones.
A pregnant woman who smokes has a greater risk of abortions and stillbirths or low birth weight. Smoking during pregnancy can cause growth retardation, mental development and fetal lung.

Passive smoking
The secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer in nonsmokers.
 The children of parents who smoke have a higher incidence of attacks of pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma. There is a strong correlation between passive smoking and otitis with purulent nasopharyngitis.
According to a study by the University of Bristol (GB), each cigarette shortens the life of 11 minutes.
The consumption of snuff can affect the life and the quality of it: 20 cigarettes a day reduced by 4, 6 years. Each week Smoke misses a day of life.
Quitting smoking reduces the risk of contracting related to snuff after a year of abstinence diseases. After 10 years it is put on a par with those who never smoked.  A person who smokes three cigarettes a day is the envy of all smokers, because it's like not to smoke.

 We have here a good reasons to quit just possible

 And if all the damage that generates to health is not sufficient reason to quit, should remember how it affects your wallet. An average smoker, who smokes for 30 years, would have been able to buy a beautiful house with that money. The smell decreases, some people avoid the smoker carrying the smell on their clothes. They darken teeth.

Do not fall into the trap of light cigarettes because the smoker, so get your daily dose of nicotine, aims stronger and eventually the smoke from reaching the pulmonary endings, the alveoli.
The "vice cigarettes" is not so, but that smoking is a true nicotine dependence, and as such should be treated. We must alleviate symptoms of withdrawal. Important is considered missing 'gestures, gestures as approximately 11 per cigarette that lights are made.


The body of toxic waste deposited in vital tissues be purged. Boost the immune system, organize because nicotine liquid is water soluble diet. Choose foods that contain more vitamin C, because nicotine prevents assimilation.
We must also determine the cause leading to smoking, if a trauma, worry, loneliness and depression’s then work stimulating motivation, decision, and will. The therapist proposes the patient assistance to meet the most critical moments of the change process. And so you can 'make an analysis of the meanings and emotions that lead to smoking. 

Cocktail personalized antifumo
This made up of flowers of Bach and Californian flowers are also used: herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupressure, relaxation methods (suggestions given are not adversative, focused on the nausea, heartburn, but are positive suggestions about feeling improvement that can result from the absence of cigarettes).
Quitting smoking means a better life, adding life to years and years to life ...

The snuff not only kills the human being ... it kills the environment. Every day millions of cigarette butts are abandoned on the street, in the countryside, in the rivers, on the road, in the trash.
Lighting a cigarette means putting into the atmosphere more than 4,000 chemical irritant, harmful, toxic and carcinogenic action mutógena. Some of these substances are left in the filter and that is where the pollution is nicotine, benzene, toxic gases such as ammonia or cianídrico acid, ethyl cellulose, and even a dangerous radioactive compound.
A recent investigation by the United Nations points out that cigarette butts are ranked first in the top ten of the debris that suffocate the planet. Dispersed in the air and in the water these substances it means risking human health and animal health.

The phenomenon is absolutely out of control because there are no national regulations that limit the spread of cigarette butts on the environment, but isolated initiatives by some few cities. Municipalities, local administrators, employers would have to emanate norms of behavior and install special containers for recycling butts. It is essential to sensitize citizens and especially young people, about respect for their own and others health.
Damage from the use of snuff already knows. Just read the newspapers. What is less known is that smokers also inhale the pesticides used on plantations without criteria. What is less known is that the snuff is radioactive, contains polonium-210, the most responsible for the lung tumor. And what is less known is that not only the snuff smoke, but also the role. A chemically treated paper whose end substances directly into the lungs of the smoker with disastrous consequences. And during his life, a smoker can get sucking the equivalent of the phone book of the city of Cordoba.
Smoking is a chronic, addictive, mental, physical and social dependence. Precisely for this reason it is difficult to control. Some smokers are successful and are based only on willpower, or learning methods to expose abuses perpetrated on their bodies. You may have tried a thousand times to quit, but to no avail ... Despite the willpower, motivation (health, economy, partner who does not smoke, young children, beauty, etc.) and decision making, fails to quit. It means that now is the time to get help. As an opportunity to resolve a state of physical and mental suffering and to give a positive change to the life. Asking for help means to change negative attitudes, see lower mitigated the sadness and depressive component, to regain confidence in themselves and in their own abilities, to not feel at the mercy of events but a protagonist. When you achieve for help, and he will be with one foot on the road leading to the welfare and proudly considered a non-smoker.
There is a universal method to pull the last packet of cigarettes: it is to determine what type of smoker you are, to choose the personalized cure to stop you fall on the "temptation".

I hope to measure your nicotine dependence. The methods I use are quite natural and have no contraindications. They may give more life to years and years to life.

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