Thursday, February 11, 2016

Causes of early puberty mostly in girls

Puberty is the time during which mature sexual and physical characteristics of a person. Precocious puberty is when these body changes happen earlier than normal.

Puberty usually begins between the ages of 8 and 14 for girls and 9 and 16 for children.

The exact age a child enters puberty depends on many factors, such as family history, nutrition and sex.

Often there is no clear cause for early puberty. Some cases are due to changes in the brain, genetic problems or certain hormone-secreting tumors. These conditions include:

Disorders of the testicles, ovaries or adrenal glands.
Tumor of the hypothalamus (hypothalamic hamartoma).
Tumors that release a hormone called HCG.
In girls, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before age 8.

pubic and underarm hair
Begins to grow rapidly
First period (menstruation)
Maturation of the external genitalia
In boys, precocious puberty is when any of the following develop before 9 years:

pubic and underarm hair
Growth of the testicles and penis
Facial hair, often first on the upper lip
muscle growth
Voice change (thickening)
Exams and Tests
The doctor will perform a physical examination to look for signs of precocious puberty.

Tests that may be ordered include:

Blood tests to check hormone levels.
CT or MRI of the brain or abdomen to rule out tumors.
Depending on the cause, treatment for precocious puberty may include:

Drugs to stop the secretion of sex hormones.
Surgery to remove a tumor.
It is possible that children who go through puberty too early do not reach their full height because growth stops too early.

Children with early sexual development can have psychosocial problems. Children and adolescents want to be equal to their peers, and early sexual development can make them appear different. Parents can provide support to your child by explaining the condition and how to treat medical plans.

Call your health care provider
See your doctor if:

Your child shows signs of precocious puberty.
Any child with early sexual development appears to be having trouble at school or with peers.
alternative names
premature puberty

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