Causes and Symptoms of Spontaneous abortion
One of the situations of concern to pregnant women, especially in the first quarter but also throughout pregnancy until week twenty, is the spontaneous abortion. In this article we will explain what it is and why it happens.
What is a spontaneous abortion?
A spontaneous abortion is one that occurs before the twentieth week caused by causes, known or unknown, but unintended.
Most spontaneous abortions occur in the first trimester. The causes do not always reach determined as they are, quite possibly, genetic problems that cause the embryo not support life and no continues.
Although a pregnant woman may suffer a spontaneous abortion by physical or perhaps even emotional trauma, spontaneous abortion relate to sport or sex is wrong. There is usually a "fault", the reason is usually natural. That does not prevent the mother and father sit emocionalemente affected, as discussed below.
Sometimes they may pose a threat of abortion, determined by an unexpected bleeding. Call your doctor, including the state of the cervix and ultrasound indicate if the child waited still alive. In such cases it is the doctor who will determine if it is necessary to rest or other containment measures.
Symptoms of spontaneous abortion
Pregnancy is a complex process and the symptoms of, although quite clear, spontaneous abortion not always mean gestational loss.
The most characteristic symptoms of spontaneous abortion are metrorrhagia (vaginal bleeding) heavier than the implantation bleeding and especially clots, stronger than the rule and logically abdominal pain, ultrasound finding of the absence of activity of the embryo or fetus.
Types of spontaneous abortion
Medical terminology can cause some confusion in such a hard time, so it is desirable to know to fully understand what is happening. Several types of spontaneous abortion.
Early abortions are those that occur before the twelfth week of pregnancy and most of them are up to 80%. In some cases they occur before the mother is aware of being pregnant.
Late abortions occur between 0:20 weeks of pregnancy and usually require medical attention. If the miscarriage happens from week twenty no longer talk about abortion, but premature birth, even if the baby died before birth. Although the emotional distress can not be measured by weeks of pregnancy the situation of a late abortion or a premature birth can be particularly traumatic and we need to emotional care to the mother and father as well.
If the cervix is ajar but not ejected the embryo or fetus is talk of an incipient abortion; when presented erased it will discuss an inevitable abortion. In both cases there will be contractions and bleeding, which will determine the progress of the pregnancy loss.
Complete abortion is one in which already produced the expulsion of the uterus naturally; a deferred abortion is one in which fetal death was determined but not spontaneous expulsion of uterine contents occurs and is often necessary to intervene with curettage or medication, to prevent sepsis or infection. However, in some cases, you can opt for expectant management of the evolution of the mother to avoid curettage, always under strict medical supervision to avoid risks.
After a spontaneous abortion
Most women who have had a spontaneous abortion have no problem having more children, however, in some cases, if it can produce complications in subsequent pregnancy.
When three spontaneous abortions occur it is to speak of recurrent abortions and analalizá for problems conceiving or genetic diseases. In some cases it is said that these recurrent abortions are related to a failure to distinguish non-viable embryos, although the most common reason given is thrombophilia, an imbalance in blood clotting.
emotional aspects of spontaneous abortion
Although sometimes the environment denies the pain of abortion, there are emotional aspects linked to spontaneous abortion it is impossible to deny. Pain, grief, fear of another pregnancy and a true mourning for the beloved son are feelings that must be accepted as normal and never minimize them.
We ended up rescuing the words gynecologist and psychiatrist Emilio Santos, author of The Empty Cradle transmitted in an interview with Babies and more.
How can a woman who lost a baby during childbirth or pregnancy face again bear a child without fear?
Spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss are events that must be understood as something that happens in nature, a seed can produce a beautiful plant or can not get to germinate or to but not progress. Nature is well. We have no choice but to accept nature as it is. When a woman has had an abortion need to go through an emotional process that can be tough, but it is also a process of maturation, a process of acceptance. Good professional knows the importance of respect for women this process entails. A very common mistake by professionals is to try to help forget or try to help minimize this process.
What should be done to help these women?
The error of the speaker results in well-intentioned but misguided phrases like: "You'll have another baby", "This is nothing," "Forget it." The woman who has had an abortion has lived as a very powerful and very important. Grieving takes time, time to digest it, its time to accept it, and rituals to give that baby lost the importance it deserves. When the woman has another pregnancy, it will be a different one; You can not expect a mother substitute for a missing child by another child coming. They are different things and each must have its place in the minds of their loved ones. Otherwise it can produce certain psychological disorders in the new child or the parents themselves.
We hope we have been able to help them understand the causes, symptoms and rates of spontaneous abortion and to understand, too, the psychological aspects of pregnancy loss, something to keep in mind if we or anyone around us must go through this painful situation.
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