Ways you can improve your memory
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How to improve your memory, spending only fifteen
minutes every day
We look with envy at those able to remember every
detail of inconsequential chapters of their lives, but we can imitate
The past we continually slip from the fingers, and
just have our memories to access it. We all know, however, memory is
treacherous, and is able to make us forget even the happiest moments of our
existence. Therefore we look with envy at those who are able to remember even
the smallest details of insignificant chapters of their lives. These happy
owners of a powerful photographic memory are neither geniuses nor freaks, and
not so complicated to reach its capacity long as we are willing to work a
With the name of eidetic memory or photographic
memory (of "eidos", "form" in Greek) is known to the
ability to remember things seen or heard a very precise level of detail. Both
the character played by Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man, Barry Levinson's film, as Sheldon
of The Big Bang Theory or Olivia Dunham on Fringe flaunted a powerful memory
capacity, but fiction has contributed to myths about the photographic memory
They do not correspond to reality.
Ignore this ability and not use it may cause their
complete disappearance
On the one hand, the name given has led many to
think that, once recorded in the memory print, eidetic can access it when and
how they want the same as you would a documentary to a file. In fact, these
memories are subject to the same kind of fluctuations that any kind, so that
the time of exposure to them, the time or the attention that has been given the
same influence retention.
Do not forget that a good memory does not have to
amount to possess a photographic memory and even some have denied their
existence, such as the cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky in The Society of Mind
(Ediciones Galápago) ensures which is nothing more than a myth created by
"professional magicians or charlatans" is because there is no one who
can remember all the details of a text or image at a glance. Furthermore,
although films like Rainman have indicated otherwise, the amazing brain power
to show some autistic usually not by a photographic memory.
Three key factors
From what I have no doubt, however, it is that some
people enjoy greater ease than others to remember visual details. There are
three major factors that attempt to explain this difference. On the one hand,
purely genetics: some people are born with a higher eidetic ability, although
these are not an inherited quality. However, ignoring this ability and not use
can cause their complete disappearance.
Our memory works by association eminently visual
Environmental circumstances also greatly determine
the amount of information to be remembered. A proper diet and adequate rest are
essential conditions for optimal memory performance; exercise, which improves
the oxygen supply of the brain, also contributes positively. Similarly, the
ability to concentrate which promotes sport can make a difference when it comes
to remember certain information. The fewer distractions claim our attention,
the easier it will be to focus on what we want to remember.
None of this matters if you do not train enough
memory. This is not only to take care, but to dedicate a part of our daily
lives to perform exercises that allow our brains operate and, above all, to
know the procedures and exercises that allow sharpen our attention. One is that
of the palaces of memory used by great orators like Cicero and was based on the
principle that our memory is eminently visual.
As a result, we can generate our own mental mansions
where we deposit in the form of paintings, sculptures and decoration everything
we need to remember. A particularly useful when we have to memorize a speech, a
long explanation or a list of tasks to be performed process. In this article we
explain this process in detail before, but it is not the only one.
Association and mnemonics
The mental palaces is a procedure that is based
primarily on partnership. It's the way our minds work, traveling from one thing
to another continuously encouraging information related to each other, and the
base of mnemonics, which use short sentences, rhyming internal and simple way
to remember to facilitate memorization more complex formulas.
Similarly, it is much easier to remember someone's
name if related to another concept. It is called Margarita? If we think of the
flower we will remember it instantly. Your name is Pepe? Well, maybe the Real
Madrid center-back serves as a shortcut. At other times, mere phonetic
similarity can serve. Something similar happens with the images. If we come to
mind a snapshot will be even easier to remember facts, dates, names and a long
list because of its abstraction, recall cost themselves.
There are various methods to train this ability. One
has been used by the US military for the past 70 years since the Second World
War it became necessary for the Flyers identify themselves and quickly reminded
of the components of the enemy, consisting of the following steps:
Find a dark room, where there is no distraction and
a lamp can be placed on the floor. The bathroom can serve.
Sit on the floor so you can turn off and turn on the
lamp without moving. Get a piece of paper and cut it to a paragraph
corresponding space.
Take the book or that you're trying to memorize and
cover with foil that has previously cut, exposing only the paragraph does not
cover the hole. Place the book at a suitable distance to open your eyes you can
quickly focus on the words.
Turn off the light and let your eyes adjust to the
darkness. Briefly turns on the light and Bring it to turn off: you've got left
in your eyes printed text in front of you.
When disappears printing again briefly turn on the
light to repeat the procedure.
Repeat the process until you can remember every word
of the paragraph in the correct order. If you do it right, say the advocates of
the method, eventually you get to see the entire paragraph in your head and
start to improve memory capacity.
The Internet has both testimonies of people that the
procedure has allowed him to improve, ultimately, their skills, and those who
believe that there is more than an eccentric procedure not confirmed by
science. One who want to check their real eudética capacity, can use the pages
as designed by the Open University where the user can undergo a test that only
takes 10 minutes.
7 Ways to Improve Your Memory
They are only seven but could be more. Memory loss
is something that concerns us, much more from certain ages ... so you have to
get down to work to find out what we can do to preserve this important and so
present in our daily capacity. The latest research can guide us in this
important task:
1. Use tricks. In more professional terms we talk
about memory techniques. A study by the University of Arizona has found that
the "self-imagining 'is a useful way to enhance learning and subsequent
recall of information. It is to imagine yourself in a situation or act in a
particular way associated with the meaning of what we have to learn. For
example, if I have to remember to buy apples and milk, it would be something
like imagine yourself picking apples from the tree or by pouring milk into a
2. Sleep enough. Rebecca M. C. Spencer of the
University of Massachusetts in March 2013 published a review of the
neurophysiological basis by which sleep affects memory and cognition. He
explains that sleep is an important process not only in the consolidation of
memories, but also in the selection of those data to be discarded and be
forgotten or in learning motor skills.
3. Practice Brain Training. Research published in
the journal PLoS ONE in early 2013 insists on the benefits that training only
15 minutes a day with a program of computer games. In this work, the group of
people who played test improved performance in working memory, executive
functions and processing speed.
4. Exercise. An increasing benefits for the brain
associated with sport. According to I. Kirk Ericson, University of Pittsburgh
in collaboration with a group of researchers from various American
universities, aerobic exercise increases the size of the anterior hippocampus
and entails improvements in spatial memory. It concludes that it is a good way
to reverse the volume loss associated with age in this brain structure critical
for memory.
5. Eat chocolate. Taking Care of excess, a curious
study published in February 2013 in the British Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology says that a component type cocoa flavanols could be related to
better cognitive functioning, as they stimulate the cerebral perfusion, favor
neurogenesis and promote changes in areas related to learning and memory.
6. Use meditation. This is another interesting
fields in terms of brain benefits are concerned. Mrazek and colleagues at the
University of California published in March 2013 in the journal Psychological
Science that two weeks of meditation training improved working memory capacity
of a group of students and their performance on a test of reading comprehension
and got reduce the frequency deviation of thought, ie, 'ramblings'.
7. Associate. Maintain relationships with friends
and have a wide social network has proven to be a factor associated with better
memory, such as concluding a team of Australian researchers in a recent
publication in the Journal of Aging Research. In the study, those who kept more
in touch with close friends in particular and greater social network generally
maintained better performance on memory tests after a follow up of 15 years.
You already have the instructions for improving your
memory. Now up to you how to combine to keep your brain in shape and perform at
one hundred percent.
very good