Friday, October 16, 2015

Why sitting too long increases death risk
If you're like most people, you spend much of your day sitting-in his office, driving back and forth to work and watching TV at night ... The research 1 shows that the average person spends nine 10 hours of their day sitting.
Certain occupations, such as telecommunications employees spend an average of 12 hours a day sitting. I was part of that group and I sat for 15 years more than 12 hours a day. And the more sedentary is at work, sedentary will tend to be at home.
Fortunately, last year proved to be overwhelmingly convincing evidence and indeed could eliminate 95 percent of the time sitting. I thought for a few minutes just to get up to six times per hour would not help eliminate the pain, but when I sit completely avoid, yes ...
Even on weekends, the average person sits for eight hours. This behavior may be more problematic than it appears, because the human body was designed to be in constant motion throughout the day.
I really did not know this last year, but the evidence shows that prolonged sitting be actively promotes dozens of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and overweight, even if you exercise. This is really very contradictory as it seems that people who exercise could save this.
However, research shows that maintaining a regular exercise regime is not enough to counteract the negative effects accumulated by sitting eight to 12 hours a day from the time you exercise. This is very strong evidence to consider, remove as much as possible sitting.
Sitting is actually like smoking and this increases the rate of lung cancer by 50 percent. Who knew that spending too much time sitting is more dangerous than second hand smoke?

A Determines Analysis: Sit as Matara, although Exercise

There is convincing evidence that when you sit for extended periods of time, disease processes occur regardless increasing the risk of mortality, but eat well, exercise regularly and is in excellent shape; even a professional athlete or Olympic level.
The latest revision sistemática2, 3 studies observed 47 sedentary behaviors and found that a person spends time each day sitting produce harmful effects that outweigh the benefits gained from exercise.
We found that sitting increases the risk of death almost virtually all health problems, from type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease to cancer and all causes of death. For example, will be sitting for more than eight hours a day was associated with a 90 percent risk of type 2 diabetes increased.

Another research4 find that the majority of their day sitting has a relatively higher risk of diabetes 112 percent and a relatively higher risk of 147 percent of cardiovascular events compared with those who feel the slightest.
All causes of death also increased by 50 percent. In fact, sitting for a long time has a rate similar to that of smoking cigarro.5 and the less you exercise the more pronounced adverse effects from sitting mortality. To counteract the negative effects of sitting too long, the authors suggest revisión6 presented him:
Monitor time sitting every day and make an effort to reduce it gradually, every week
Try standing workstations. Although it is often better standing than sitting, I am firmly convinced that now sit completely avoid it is much more preferable and has better metabolic effects
When watching TV, stand and / or walk during commercials
Additional studies highlighting the debilitating effects by sitting

The first part of the series of two artículos7 published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in early January also highlights the dangers of our modern sedentary lifestyle, suggesting that public policy should be reassessed and updated to focus on increasing motion during working hours.
The article summarizes the findings of the 2015 Inaugural Active Working Summit, where a number of health effects were reviewed by sitting, including cancer and mental health. For example, a study presented at the summit found that sitting increases:

Lung cancer by 54 percent
Uterine cancer by 66 percent, and
Colon cancer by 30 percent
The reason for this increased risk of cancer is thought to be associated with weight gain and associated biochemical changes, such as alterations in hormones, metabolic dysfunction, dysfunction of leptin and inflammation, these promote cancer. Research also shows that the risk of anxiety and depression increases during the hours sitting.

Why sitting is so damaging?
Dr. James Levine, co-director of the Mayo Clinic and the Initiative Against Obesity Arizona State University and author of Get Up! Why Is Your Chair Killing You and What You Can Do About It (Stand! As the seat is killing and what you can do about it) has spent most of his career in investigating the health effects of sitting.

His research shows that while sitting for too long and then get up, a series of molecular cascades are presented. For example, within 90 seconds of standing, muscular and cellular systems that process blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol - that they are mediated by activated insulina--.

All these molecular effects are activated simply stand. These cellular mechanisms are also responsible for sending the fuel cells and if done regularly, radically reduce the risk of diabetes and obesity.

In short, at the molecular level, your body was designed to be active and moving throughout the day. When you stop moving for long periods of time, it's like telling your body it's time to stop working and prepare for death ...

As noted by Dr. Levine, although you obviously need a break from time to time, it is assumed that rest breaks activity, and not vice versa. Inactivity-sitting-not a lifestyle.
"This sitting posture is not only bad for your back, wrists, arms and your metabolism but actually off the main fuel supply systems that integrate what is happening in the bloodstream with what happens in the muscles and tissues, "he says.
As a result of sitting, their levels of blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and toxin accumulation rise. The solution to these adverse events does not imply a receta-- all you have to do is stand and avoid sitting as much as possible. If you have been sitting for a whole hour, that's too long and the cellular mechanisms involved in maintaining your body and health are not working. We are in the process of installing desktop stand (Stand-up) to all our employees in If you have a job that requires sitting, I invite you to show this information to your employer so that it will stand-up desk.

Avoid sitting is the First Step Towards a Healthier Life

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week, but researchers say that this may be too ambitious for many people - particularly those of advanced age and beginners. They suggest that a more realistic approach may be to simply avoid sitting as much as possible. In a Article8 entitled Recommendations for Physical Activity in Older Adults (recommendations for physical activity in the Elderly), Professor Phillip Sparling and his colleagues wrote:
"Now there is a clear need to reduce the time of sitting. Secondly, evidence has surfaced about the potential of training in high intensity intervals to address the same chronic diseases and to reduce rates of cardiometabolic risk in healthy adults . This vigorous training typically consists of multiple sessions of 3-4 minutes of high intensity exercise interspersed with several minutes of low intensity recovery, three times a week.
Between these two ends of the spectrum of activity is the public health recommendation for the media to intense sessions of 10 minutes or more aerobic exercise ... 150 minutes a week of moderate activity ... However, many people especially the older age groups, have trouble achieving this level of activity. We argue that when they advise patients to exercise, doctors should encourage people to increase their level of activity in small amounts rather than focusing on the recommended levels. The target of 150 minutes, although it is justified, you can ignore other elements less real guidelines. These include seeking new ways of doing low-intensity activity in your lifestyle ... "

A Fitness Tracker can be a useful tool
Part of the solution may be to reassess their use of technology. For example, watch TV, you can increase your sedentary time for several hours every day, so consider replacing that time for something more active. However, that does not mean that all technology is perjudicial.9 For example, I am excited by the use of portable Fitness Trackers because they can measure their activity levels and monitor the quantity and quality of time sleeping. It is difficult to change a habit if it is not monitoring, and devices like these may eventually help to change their behavior, and motivate you to walk more and before bed in order to sleep eight full hours.
If you do not have a Fitness Tracker, I recommend you buy one. When the Jawbone UP3,10 be launched sometime this year, will be one of the most advanced Fitness Trackers far, but certainly better ones launched. The Apple Watch, 11 which also launched this year is an example. I have reviewed many of them and the Jawbone is one of the best, has a set of innovative sensors that provide a wide range of health information. I recommend you walk 7,000 to 10,000 steps per day, in addition to your exercise regimen you have and make sure to sleep eight hours a night. With Fitness Tracker, you can monitor all this and more. I probably walked 2,000 steps a day before using one of these devices and now walk about 15,000 steps a day or about eight kilometers. I can read my Kindle as I walk and read a book a week.

When it is impossible not Sit, Pose Keep in Mind
While it is certainly possible to limit sitting, still it is an inevitable part of life for most people. The question then is, how can limit the risks associated with sitting? Focus on posture is a way. A recent article in CNN12 suggests "sitting smarter" by incorporating yoga postures and feel your breathing, and use a position based on the five points of yoga can help you this time sitting not as harmful.
Also familiarize yourself with the signals your body to move or move. Follow the recommendations of the "guru of positions" Esther Gokhale can also be essential to improve posture-related pain associated with prolonged sitting and is likely to help alleviate the dangerous risks of sitting. The basics of using good posture while sitting include the following:
Sitting Stack: To allow the bones of the spine are stacked and allow the muscles to relax them together, sit pulling back, but not overdone. Now, when you breathe, each breath in and out and lengthen automatically accommodate your spine. This gentle motion stimulates circulation and allows natural healing, even while sitting.
While conventional recommendations told to target the pelvis to keep a backbone in the form of S, Esther has been found to keep the column as J is much more natural. J shaped column refers to a position where the back is straight, the lumbar relatively flat and slightly pulling its bubbles. To put the pelvis, he lost about a third of the volume in the pelvic cavity, which crush their internal organs. This may involve any number of organs in a variety of ways. This is further complicated if you have stuck the pelvis and the "crouch" while sitting.
Stretched sit. Another way to lengthen your spine is to use their support as a traction device. For this you need a towel or cushion to absorb. This simple maneuver away from the back of the back, lengthen the spine and then supports the upper back part of the backrest.
This position helps maintain a long column and to give strength to his records, allowing them to rehydrate and prevent nerves from getting between your vertebrae. It will also help to flatten your lower back and this can sometimes provide immediate pain relief if you have pain in the sciatic nerve. Although remember that sitting is the last resort when there is no alternative. It is much better standing than sitting. It might take you a while to adjust, but once you do it will be as comfortable as sitting.
Walk as part of their daily routine

The evidence is overwhelming-10,000 and those faltan-- studies indicate that prolonged sitting will reduce its life as it promotes tens of chronic diseases, even if you exercise regularly. Previously he recommended to stop and do some exercises at your desk every 10-15 minutes to counteract the harmful effects of sitting, but after reading the book by Dr. Levine, am convinced that it can even be insufficient if you want optimal health. I really think the answer is to stand as much as possible.
That said, I understand that some people may be limited by the employer's policies and / or other factors and eliminate prolonged sitting is a very lofty goal. I simply invite you to pay close attention to how you spend your day and find ways to stand or move more often. Remember, as a general rule, if you've been sitting for an hour, it was too long. At the least, avoid sitting for more than 50 minutes per hour.

I think the high intensity training, without exercise activities such as walking 7,000 to 10,000 steps a day and you always sit prevent possible is an ideal combination to optimize your health. And while I recommend, in addition to their regular exercise regimen, walk not as a replacement for exercise, if you are not currently doing anything in terms of exercise, walking is certainly an excellent way to start. For many, just getting up and not sit is a first step that can bring a healthier lifestyle. As you get used to doing low level activities, without exercise, you are more likely to be motivated to begin a more vigorous exercise program.


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