Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Excessive hair growth embarrasses me, girl with moustache cries

Dear Bunmi,
For quite a while now I’ve got what looks like a dark moustache on my upper lip, and recently, I’ve started to sprout hairs on the chin and my chest.Not exactly magnet when you want to pull a man, you’ll agree. I’ve tried shaving, but it seems to encourage the growth.
Are there lasting remedies?
Uju,by e-mail.
Dear Uju,
Quite a number of women have noticeable facial hair on the chin, upper lip or as side-burns, and you can get it on your nipples, shoulders and lower abdomen. It may not be sexy, but you shouldn’t let your growth bother you. It is all down to over-sensitivity of the male hormone, testosterone, which can either be inherited or triggered by drugs like steroids, used to treat skin conditions like dermatitis.
For permanent hair removal, electrolysis is best. Unfortunately, you can’t easily get it in the country. Shaving is quite effective; so are hair-removing creams.
Occasionally though, excess hair is symptom. If you have irregular periods, acne, greasy hair and a tendency to gain weight, see your doctor for a blood test.

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