Friday, December 18, 2015

Home remedies for indigestion

When the year-end holidays approaching sometimes we overdo it a bit with meals and drinks. Who has not happened after a dinner party, the next day we woke up with a pain in the stomach, heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pains. This may be due to indigestion. This is the best time of year to remember that there are some home remedies for indigestion that can help us a lot.

Always be careful with food, especially spicy dishes and sauces. Sweets, soft drinks and pastries should also be consumed in moderation.

Home remedies for indigestion:

Ginger: We add a tablespoon of ginger root in a cup of boiling water, let stand and snuck. Take sugar after meals.

Lemon: We can make a tea with lemon leaves or a mixture of lemon juice is also prepared in a liter of water, take a glass every three hours without sugar.

Fennel seeds: a chewing fennel seeds is very good, especially if indigestion is because they ate too much.

Infusions An infusion of mint, linden or chamomile can be a great relief for indigestion.

Banana: a ripe banana can be a solution for indigestion. It's great to relieve inflammation and acts as a natural antacid.

Apple cider vinegar: Put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. It also acts as an antacid and helps digestion.

Pineapple: If we believe that we will eat and drink plenty we can prevent indigestion eating a slice of pineapple before eating. Thus pineapple improves the digestive process.

So happy new year to all and where possible to celebrate healthy eating, but if we do not, we have the natural solution for "the day after"

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