Saturday, December 12, 2015

10 Simple Tips on how to Combat Academic Stress

Stress is part of life of a student. In fact, any student who is concerned about the exams suffers from some form of academic stress. However, you must remember that stress exists for one reason and that you are who you choose if you want to be adversely affected or help you improve your study.

To combat stress you must first understand the reasons that cause it in order to establish methods to help you feel better when it occurs. Several studies have revealed some common explanations of academic stress:

Lack of planning and organization
External pressures to achieve good results
Competitiveness with others
Low levels of motivation
The difference between a student who is overwhelmed by stress and one that used to focus and achieve better results is how they react when faced with difficulties. Students who succeed stop, reflect on their options and choose the path that will help them achieve their ultimate goal, rather than let everything before them consume them.

Here are some techniques you can use to set aside those negative feelings and focus on your study objectives. Although it can not now find yourself in a time of stress, it never hurts to know these points when the time comes. Take note!

10 Amazing Tricks to Combat Stress Tests

No. 1 Listen to Classical Music

Listening to music can generate a positive and productive environment study because it improves your mood and encourages you to study more effectively. Classical music is generally recommended as the best to stimulate your brain, but the background music or other music may also have this influence.

# 2 Take a Walk

Many students spend the days before the exams sitting in front of books and notes without any other activity. However, research has shown that moderate exercise (for example, take a walk) stimulate memory and brain power. Here's proof:

Brain activity

No. 3 Plan your study routine

This may not seem so surprising you but what is, is the number of students who ignore the benefits of creating a personalized study schedule. With a little initial effort, your study can be markedly improved in terms of productivity and you can also improve your levels of motivation to know what you're up against each day in advance. If you're using GoConqr, our study schedule will help you align your goals with your daily study. Starts now!

No. 4 Play with your pet and ... with plastic bubble!

What pets have to do with the stress of exams? Many universities have created "pet rooms" that students can go to combat stress and reduce anxiety levels. Playing with your pet can help you focus better and calm during exam but ... yes, we do not recommend that you take your hamster to the library! Plastic bubble wrap used for brittle materials are another home remedy to relieve your anxiety.

No. 5 Getting Enough

For some students, the hours of sleep are the first to suffer when they are busy times in the time we need it for everything. However, the benefits of a good night's sleep should not be underestimated. From the academic point of view, sleep helps your brain to process information and enter it into your long term memory so that you can remember when the test day arrives. Any person who has submitted to a test without enough sleep, you may talk about its importance.

No. 6 Use Apps

There are a lot of mobile apps designed to help you improve your quality of life. Of course, the academic area not far behind. Whether to better organize, to improve your arithmetic or to learn English, sure there are apps that can help you. For our part, we also have our application for iOS and Android. With it, you can make the most of your time no matter where you are. Also, you download the app to have access to more than two and a half resources created by teachers and students around the world millions. Get it free here:

No. 7 Spend time with your Mind

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to take a break and look at stress from a different perspective. Therefore, practice some kind of meditation will help us focus better while improving our health facing the pre-exam stress.

No. 8 Eat Chocolate Black

Believe it or not, this is 100% true. The black chocolate with over 70% cocoa fighting hormone cortisol associated with stress, and has a relaxing effect on the body. In addition, chocolate releases endorphins which act as a natural stress reducer.

No. 9 yourself from All

Sometimes, you need to talk to someone and others, you need to scream and break free from all the pressure inside you. Find out what you need and be free! Talking to a friend or family member can help you see things differently and get the extra power you need to overcome stress.

# 10 No to the Distractions

Surely you do not even accounts of the number of times you look at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social network during the day. When you add all these times, you accumulate a considerable amount of time you waste during your day. It may be difficult to isolate all while studying but keep in mind your ultimate goal and the time you have left can help you focus. In this regard, we recommend you try the app Self-control, which helps you block sites that may distract you.

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