Things you need to know about Miscarriage
If a miscarriage of joy on early youth abruptly puts an
end to that grief is often infinite. Therefore, it is important to minimize
risks and to recognize signs.
It is not an issue with the concerned pregnant women
like. But it is important to deal with the complex miscarriage in order to
minimize risk and detect signs can. In this way, a threatened miscarriage can
often be averted in time. We explain what the term exactly is behind what
causes can lead to miscarriage, which symptoms occur, the possibilities for
prevention and there which means a miscarriage for future fertility.
What is a miscarriage?
From a miscarriage, also called abortion is spoken when a
pregnancy ends before the expiry of the 22 to 24 weeks gestation. The fetus
weighs at this time less than 500 grams and would not be viable outside its
mother's body. The Miscarriage is the most common complication during
pregnancy. Although there are no exact figures, experts estimate that between
50 and 70 percent of all fertilized eggs are lost by miscarriage.
In most cases, however, women do not notice the abortion
because the pregnancy ends already before it was ever noted. This Earliest
abortion is usually interpreted as a late period. Only around 15 percent of
miscarriages are ever recognized as such. Ends the pregnancy before the 16th
week of pregnancy, doctors speak of a spring, then by a late abortion. The
latter, however, occurs very rarely: After the twelfth week the likelihood of abortion
is only around one percent.
Causes for abortion
The question of "why" torments affected couples
often appalling. It cannot determine why there has been a miscarriage in many
cases. Already completed the pregnancy very early, often are malformations of
the embryo. Other reasons may be: hormonal disorders, physical and especially
mental stress, the consumption of drugs or certain medications, uterine
malformations, -vernarbungen or benign tumors (fibroids) in the uterus,
infection, or metabolic disorders such as diabetes. "But often come
several factors together and mental stress in the partnership or in the
workplace, coupled with physical stress, such as when you drag packing boxes or
long car trips make," explained Dr. Thomas Villinger and Birgit
Gebauer-Sesterhenn in their guide "Pregnancy and birth ".
From first signs up for miscarriage
In any case, women should monitor their bodies carefully.
A threatened miscarriage is heralded as by spotting. Although slight bleeding
occur in early pregnancy many women before - about one in four pregnant women
is affected - and are usually harmless, although any bleeding should be
investigated promptly by a physician. Also pain in the abdomen or in the lower
back as well as fever may be signs of an imminent miscarriage that should
evaluate a doctor. That suspicion is confirmed, a miscarriage can at this stage
often through medication, or small interventions be averted only with
comprehensive protection - if the fetus is developing normally apparently alive
and. A hospital stay may be necessary in such a case. Affected pregnant women
should avoid sex for the time being and onerous sports.
If there is a very strong blood flow - perhaps even with
blood clots - in combination with abdominal cramps on, a miscarriage is often
too late to prevent. By the eighth week of pregnancy remain at a miscarriage
often back tissue remnants of placenta. Therefore, after the abortion under
general anesthesia is a curettage, also known as curettage performed. If the
abortion after the 16th week on, the child must be brought into the world.
Minimize risks of abortion
The sad truth is: There is no sure way to protect
yourself from a miscarriage. However, women can do a lot for it to reduce their
own risk. Refrain from alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs and avoid
caffeinated beverages. Take folic acid daily to himself and avoid physical and
mental stress by creating free spaces and practice relaxation techniques. Women
who have had a miscarriage should, particularly at the beginning of a new
pregnancy enjoy plenty of rest and avoid sex.
Miscarriage: What happens now?
If, despite all precautions comes to miscarriage, many
pairs of grief overwhelmed. It is important to process this pain - both for the
woman concerned but also for the partners. Some couples it helps to share in
self-help groups with other stakeholders. In any case, should couples who want
children not lose heart: The vast majority of women who were once involved in
an abortion, are easily pregnant connection and experience a healthy pregnancy
and birth.
When the time has come for a new pregnancy, the couple
must decide for themselves. Many doctors recommend a minimum of three cycles to
be seen, so that the body can recover. Only in a few exceptional cases, a woman
experienced several miscarriages: Then the cause should be ascertained
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