Asthma treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention
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Diseases and Disorders
Asthma is a condition characterized by obstruction of
airflow in and out of the lungs caused by inflammation, muscle spasm or
presence of abundant mucus in the lower airways or bronchi. These episodes lock
ratorie respi-called "attacks" of asthma are triggered, enre golds
factors, dust, pollutants, smoke, allergies, cold air or infections.
A case of shortness of breath
When Stacy was small, her parents noticed that the play
seemed to tire more quickly than your friends. He also had coughing and
sometimes wheezing. After examining Stacy, ask many questions and measure their
breathing with a little machine, the doctor diagnosed his problem as asthma.
One of the measures taken to take care of Stacy was to take them to the school
drugs against the disease.
When I was 12, Stacy began a project in school with the
help of his teacher and a nurse. The aim was to make the school a place
suitable for asthma. He banned smoking even in extracurricular activities. He
was cleared to school, to the extent possible, probable cause asthma attacks,
such as dust, mold, cockroaches and strong fumes emitted from paint or
chemicals. An initiative for children suffering from asthma llevasen their own
medicines to school was launched. Finally, special lessons to students and teachers
about asthma is offered and how to help a classmate who has it. The result was
a healthier school not only for Stacy but for everyone.
What is asthma?
In the airways of the lungs of an asthmatic several
changes occur. First, there is inflammation or swelling of the tissues that
line the inside of these pathways. Second, the inflamed tissue produces a
thick, slippery substance called mucus. Third, the muscles around the airways
go into spasm, making them narrow. These three processes in combination-inflammation,
mucus production and muscle spasm-reducing the diameter
of the airways, which makes breathing difficult. It's like trying to inflate a
balloon with a narrow straw.
During an asthma attack, disturbances worsen. The airways
become inflamed inside while being pressed from the outside. Meanwhile, a thick
mucus blocks the airways and reduced. The ill-colloquially wheezing emits
beeps-with each breath. You may also feel chest tightness, coughing and attempt
to clear the lungs.
What asthma is?
Asthma sufferers have what is sometimes known as
"sensitive." Airways everyday household factors, which are not
problematic for most people, can cause an asthma attack. These factors are
called triggers. There are two main types of triggers. The former are allergens
or allergy-causing substances, such as pollens, molds, dander animals-small
flakes of skin or feathers, mites, cockroaches and certain foods or medicines.
Most of these substances enter the body with the air we breathe, but sometimes
they do by mouth with swallow substances.
The second type of asthma trigger has nothing to do with
allergy, but produces the same reaction to it in the airways. Thus, asthma can
be triggered or worsened by the action of irritants in the air as smoke snuff,
smoke from burning wood, fresh paint, cleaning products, perfumes, chemicals
Place own work and pollution. Other triggers include cold air, sudden changes
in air temperature, exercise, and heartburn
respiratory tract infections such as those occurring in a
cold or flu. The exact factor that triggers asthma is different for each
Who gets asthma?
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the United
States. The number of patients has increased rapidly in recent years. The
reason for this increase is still unknown. About a third of patients are under
18 years. Asthma is more common in black children than in white children,
although it is not clear why this circumstance. You might have to do with
environmental conditions.
Here are some common symptoms of asthma. A patient may
have one, some or all of:
- Dyspnoea
- Cough, especially if it lasts more than a week
- Wheezing (issued primarily to breathe)
- Feeling stiffness or discomfort in the chest
The degree to which interferes asthma in daily life of a
person varies widely. Some people have problems and suffers continuous attacks
anywhere with a frequency ranging from a few times a week to almost constantly.
In this case, the ability to participate in physical activities is limited
until, with the help of
treatment, asthma control begins. Most patients mild
asthma can carry out any activity, provided that reduce their exposure to
environmental triggers, take the medication as it has been prescribed and
follow the instructions of doctors.
Childhood asthma Asthmatic wheezing babies have when they
suffer cold, infection, airway blockage or other problems. This symptom may
disappear by itself without negative effects. But if the problem persists for a
while, it gets worse or comes up again, treatment is necessary. In older
children, breathing should be normal. Wheezing may be a sign of asthma, but are
also indicative of infection, lung disease, heartburn, heart disease and even a
piece of food or other object-a-toy stuck in the airways piece. In addition to
wheezing, wheezing and childhood asthma causes coughing. Parents also observed
that the child gets tired quickly when playing.
Nocturnal asthma Asthma tends to worsen at night.
Nocturnal asthma occurs in deep sleep. For some patients, it is a symptom;
Others, however, have only coughing or wheezing at night.
Asthma associated with exercise Four out of five patients
with asthma have wheezing during the year or shortly thereafter. This type of
asthma is called "Exercise-induced asthma." Other symptoms of asthma
include coughing, rapid heartbeat and feeling of tightness in the chest between
five and ten minutes after exercise. The cold, dry air, high pollen and air
pollution, congestion of the nose and respiratory tract infection are factors
that tend to aggravate the problem. Among the exercises that can lead to the
cause wheezing they include a trot, running on a treadmill or playing
basketball. In short, exercise aeróbi-cos-designed to increase oxygen consumption.
Work-related asthma Occupational asthma comes from
inhaling fumes, gases or dust when it is in the workplace. This type of asthma
can be detected for the first time in a worker, or may worsen the status of a
worker who already has the disease. The symptoms are wheezing, chest tightness
and coughing, but may also be nasal congestion, increased mucus and eye
congestion. Asthma tends to persist for a long period, even after the worker no
longer has about the substance responsible for the problem.
Status asthmaticus acute attacks (status asthmaticus) is
an acute asthma attack that does not improve when you take your
medicatratamiento, asthma control begins. The light can carry out any activity,
duzcan mediate their exposure to triggers medication as it has been prescribed
and follow doctors.
Childhood asthma Asthmatic babies have sil cold,
infection, blockage of roads RESPIRATORY This symptom may disappear by itself
without if the problem persists for a while, agr necessary treatment. Normal
older children. Wheezing may be a sign of a sign of infection, lung disease,
acid and even a piece of food or other object-guete-clogged airways. Besides
childhood asthma causes wheezing and coughing. L Servan the child gets tired
quickly when playing.
Nocturnal asthma Asthma tends to
Regulation usual. This type of attack is an emergency
that must be treated immediately to hospital or a doctor's office, where it has
the necessary medication.
The doctor performs a physical examination and ask
questions about the symptoms and circumstances that accompany them. In
addition, it uses different tests to help identify asthma and its causes. Here
are some of these tests:
Allergy tests Allergy tests help identify what elements a
person is allergic. The most common are cutirreación tests. Applied in reduced
amounts of potentially skin allergens elements and which of them is observed
reaction occur. A second type of test is a blood test in which a sample is
analyzed for certain antibodies, substances produced in the blood to fight
foreign bodies or aggressive. Allergy sufferers may have higher levels of
immunoglobulin E (IgE). However, the blood test is considered less sensitive
than skin testing test because it can not detect the same number of allergens.
Chest x-rays X-rays are invisible waves passing through
most of the solid matter and produce an image on a photographic plate. In this
case, what is produced is an image showing the appearance of the lungs.
Pulmonary function tests These tests show if the lungs
are working properly or not. In one, the patient blows into a machine called a
spirometer, which measures the amount of air that enters and leaves the lungs.
A second test uses a peak flow meter to determine the speed at which a person
can inhale and exhale. This device, which is held in one's hand, is very simple
and can be used at home. Many asthma sufferers use it regularly for signs of an
impending asthma attack, so have the time to take a drug that often prevents
the attack.
Why treatment is necessary?
The uncontrolled asthma can cause many problems: from
miss work or school, or need to go to the hospital until death (rarely).
However, with the help of a doctor you can keep them in line. Patients with
controlled asthma have very few symptoms-if any-have during the day and sleep
peacefully at night. They are also able to carry out their normal activities,
including exercise. However, asthma does not go away because the symptoms
disappear. The patient must continue
being careful and assume that asthma is part of his life
avoided triggers, will not smoke and live in a clean and healthy environment.
So to proceed, even in cases of mild asthma.
In addition to avoiding exposure to triggers, the primary
method for treating asthma is to use drugs. One key to controlling the disease
is to take the necessary medicine at the right time. There are two main types
of asthma medicines: those that help control the disease in the long term and
that provide short-term relief when the asthmatic has an attack.
Medicines to control asthma long term are taken daily to
prevent symptoms even before they manifest. However, it may take several weeks
before it takes effect. The most effective reduce inflammation of the airways.
Generally usually inhalable drugs, facilitating his arrival directly to the
Not all asthmatics require these drugs. But they can be
very useful for patients suffering from daytime asthma symptoms three or more
times per week, or nocturnal asthma symptoms three or more times a month. Here
are some medications to control asthma in the long term:
- Inhaled corticosteroids. These powerful drugs prevent
and reduce inflammation of the airways. Also they make them less sensitive to
triggers. However, they are only effective if taken regularly, so that chronic
asthmatic consume daily. Inhaled corticosteroids should not be confused with
dangerous steroids that some athletes use to build your muscles.
- Other inhaled medicines. They are drugs that help
prevent and reduce inflammation of the airways and make them less sensitive.
However, they require four to six weeks of regular use before they start to
take effect.
This type of drug is consumed daily chronic asthma
sufferers, but can also be used before exercise or contact with a trigger.
- Oral corticosteroids. These drugs are taken by mouth in
the form of pills or syrups. Unlike inhaled corticosteroids can have serious
side effects when used for a long period. However, they are very effective in
short to treat acute asthma attacks and to control the disease quickly
treatments; Sometimes, people with more severe asthma take them every day or
every other day not.
- Long-acting bronchodilators. They are drugs that relax
the muscles in the airways and thereby facilitate breathing. They can prevent
or reduce the narrowing airway. They are only effective when used regularly.
These medications are inhaled or taken orally in pill form. Some are especially
useful in preventing nocturnal asthma or exercise-induced.
- Anticholinergics. They constitute a new type of asthma
medication that prevents and reduces inflammation of the airways, strengthening
to the triggers. They also prevent muscle pressure in the airway.
Regularly they are taken orally in pill form.
So far they have been used regularly for mild patients
twelve years of age or older asthma.
- Allergy Vaccines. In some cases, the patient's symptoms
of asthma can be prevented or reduced with allergy shots whose effect can last
for months or years.
This treatment makes the patient less sensitive to
It is fast acting medications comes to fast acting
medications only when necessary relax and open the airways without delay. They
can be used to relieve symptoms and to prevent indication when the peak flow
meter starts to drop to an impending asthma attack. However, these drugs are
only effective for a few hours. Unlike the long-acting, do not prevent the
symptoms reappear later. They inhaled at the first sign of an attack or before
contact with a trigger. Antiasthmatic fast acting above also are called
short-acting bronchodilators. Relax the muscles around the airways and thus
make breathing easier. They begin to take effect within five minutes of taking
them and that effect can last from four to six hours. They are used just as
they begin to manifest symptoms or before you exercise.
How inhalation drugs are administered?
Many asthma medications are designed to have direct
access to the lungs. The most popular is the dosificante inhaler that delivers
medicine to the lungs in exact amounts. An inhaler is a container (metal or
plastic) laptop with a button that the patient presses to spray medicine.
Sometimes, it comes with a disperser head which facilitates its use.
Another tool to administer inhalational medicines is
nebuli-zer, which turns liquid medication into a fine mist. The
nebulizers are very useful for sick children and elderly,
who often have problems with dosificante inhaler.
To breathe easier
Asthma sufferers should try to find out what triggers
your symptoms worsen and take precautions to avoid them. Here are some of the
measures taken to control many different asthma triggers. Not all are effective
for all patients.
Pollen and mold in the air udder to control the pollen
and mold, asthmatics often:
- Have doors and windows closed during periods of high
pollen and mold counts
- Restrict gardens and walks through the countryside in
the flowering season and when pollen and mold counts are highest
- Driving with the windows closed in pollen seasons, and
utilize air conditioning
- Consult with your doctor about the possibility of
taking a long-acting medication or increase treatment already in progress
before the start of the period of maximum pollination.
To control indoor mold mold indoors, asthmatics often
have to:
- Fix leaky faucets, pipes and other sources of water
- Clean places where mold with a product containing
- Renounce papered walls, which are potential sources of
- Get rid of houseplants in which mold and dust can
Pet dander is allergic to the hair-stretchers animals
(such as cats or quills) people tend to take the following measures:
- As far as possible, keep pets with feathers or hair
away from home
- Keep pets out of the bedrooms, the doors should always
be left closed
- Get rid of carpets and upholstered furniture with fabric
or have pets away from these objects
- Use polyester filled pillows (instead of feathers) and
avoid duvets.
Dust mites asthma sufferers are often allergic to dust
because of a tiny organisms called mites, which nest in it. Keep the house
clean of dust can be helpful. Hence, many asthmatics take the following
wash bedding weekly in hot-water water should exceed 130
° F (54 ° C) to kill mites
- Special use dust covers for mattresses and pillows.
Washed weekly in hot water
- Try not to sleep or lie on cloth or upholstered
cushions decorated with furniture
- Avoid carpets
- Not to rag dolls on the beds, and wash them weekly in
hot water
- Use a dust mask when vacuuming or commission passed
someone to do this task
Cockroaches Many asthmatics are also sensitive to
cockroaches and make a special effort to get rid of these stubborn bugs with
the following measures:
- Do not bring food to the bedrooms
- Store food and garbage in closed containers and remove
food debris and crumbs as soon as you finish eating
- Use traps, poisons, powders and liquid or paste
insecticides to kill cockroaches
- Not enter rooms with insecticide sprayed until the
smell is gone
Certain foods and medications is important:
- Avoid foods that have caused problems in the past
- Inform doctors about any reaction to medication
Smoke and strong odors Smoking is not good for anyone,
not for active nor passive smoking. Patients with asthma are especially
sensitive to the dangers of smoke and snuff soon warn that the best for them is
not to smoke. They also tend to ask the family to leave the snuff and visitors
to refrain from smoking.
Other measures in this regard are:
- Avoid, insofar as possible, the use of wood stoves,
kerosene heaters or fireplaces
- Avoid strong fragrances and vapors such as perfume,
hair spray and fresh paint
Exercise Exercise is healthy for anyone and asthma
sufferers are no exception. To exercise and practice your favorite sports,
asthmatics often take the following measures:
- Heating for 6-10 minutes before exercise
- Avoid outdoor exercise if environmental pollution or
pollen counts are high or when the air is cold
- Choose activities that do not cause symptoms; sports
career are the most dangerous in this regard
- Consult with a doctor about the advisability of using a
medication before exercising, as a preventive measure
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