Friday, October 16, 2015

All you need to know about your sexual health


When we talk about sexual health, it involves everything pleasure, enforcement violations, sex, gender, desire, orientation, performances, self-care, risks, sexual practices, behaviors, likes, play and happiness.
Health is understood to most people as a state of being, and in this respect should not forget that premise, sexual health aims precisely to a general welfare in the sexual plane and sexuality involves every human practice, from the thought to practice.
Sexual health means understanding our body and the body of those who interact with us, feel full sexual health is our sex, our body, our gender and to manifest our desires widely, openly or shame, sexual health through the eroticism by the feel wanted and want freely without oppression.
In this sense discrimination often restricts the chances of living a healthy sexuality, society assumed for certain behaviors and sexual practices as prohibited generating the feeling of having a guilty sexuality, a dirty sexuality, a sexuality that should be hidden. We are taught from an early age that there are desirable bodies and others not, and therefore we get used to that often cannot even dream of being sexually desirable, and we opacamos sick. For this it is important to understand that all sexuality is permitted provided that respects the person practiced and under that parameter sexuality of a person should only care just only those involved.
Sexuality is something that exists not only sex but also sexuality is holding hands, kissing, imagine, indulge self, talk, look, etc., so many edges of sexuality and erotic experience abridged her stop living is one of the key places we have as human beings certainly generates repression and frustration to unimaginable levels; not accepting our bodies creates a sense of inadequacy that causes that we are not desirable or erotic, causing a low healthy sexuality.
However, sexual health is not only erotic, sexuality and pleasure, it is also the care and erotic practice responsible, which means for example understand sexually transmitted infections and how to take care of them. In this sense it is important to know and assume that there are unsafe in sexuality and that can take care while still having an erotic practice and that this can be entertaining at the same time protecting our health.

Prevention of STD and HIV / AIDS
STI (sexually transmitted infections) are transmitted by sexual practices mostly without condom, condom use in recurrent sexual intercourse creates a risk elimination in most STIs such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chancroid, genital warts, etc. however leaves out some STIs, such as those that are pubic such as crabs contact. In this regard it is important to always keep in mind the symptoms and prevented by condom use these infections.
As for the HIV / AIDS, the first thing is to demystify their meaning, since HIV is a virus and AIDS is already the set of opportunistic diseases that attack the body. HIV is only fought with the recurrent use of condoms. In this sense it is important to consider what the risky practices. Thus it is essential to understand that when we talk about HIV are people receiving fluids those most at risk of acquiring HIV. In turn the riskiest practices are anal, vaginal Medium-risky, and 40% risk of oral sex practices. However all risk down to zero with the use of condoms.
Become HIV testing is critical, chains of transmission are often indecipherable and must take into account that the self passes through each of us, the test is completely confidential and should note that after a risky practice is important to the test after three months in order to allow time in which the virus could manifest; be a risky practice and take the exam the next day has no meaning, only three months after the results are accurate. It is also important to note that HIV is treatable and therefore the fear must be brought down. Sex with a person living with HIV is completely safe if used correctly the condom.
Where I can control myself without discrimination
When we talk about sexual health it is essential to know where controlled to not be discriminated against, especially when we are in the situation of being trans people, who are often discriminated against in health institutions. This often creates discrimination that trans people do not want to go to the doctor, thus neglecting their health and ignoring fundamental situations.

For this you have important information in those places where we can meet without trial, discrimination or recrimination.
Network Health Sexual Orientation: Address Street Melipilla 3432, Conchali, Santiago (View map) Here you can assist without risk of discrimination. HIV testing / AIDS (any day) are made with the general practitioner see different conditions (Thursday after 18:30). With gynecologist make important tests and referrals to other places if necessary (Tuesday after 18:30).
Rainbow Room, Sotero del Rio Hospital CDT: request HIV testing / AIDS and STIs, PAP, other sexual health care, midwifery care with Janet Galves Monday through Friday. (See map)
Sexual health care unit Hospital Las Higueras: sexual health care examinations for trans people, spontaneous query submitted only in the place, midwife Gloria serves Venegas. (See map)

Reproductive Rights trans people
The copyright in the trans people are continuously violated by the binary and heteronormative enforcement by the state and by most institutions. They tend to think that a trans person cannot, or should not have children and it must also be sterilized if you want to aspire to a change of name and / or legal sex. Situation that certainly violates one of Human Rights, which relates to reproduce, to have a family as you see fit and perform as a person.
It is important in this respect trans identities empower their reproductive rights and assume that like any other human being have rights to be parents, or both simultaneously. Fundamental society understand that we can be mothers and fathers bearded breasts, or mothers and fathers penis vagina, or simply those who breed to be and give them care and affection than any sane person would give them.

Sexual health and couple
When we talk about sexual health we must not forget what is stated on the desire and eroticism as part of a healthy sex life, so understand that sexual health is also linked to the relationship with the couple and as this brings together a Sex is an important part of the sexual health of trans people. As is understood from the beginning the body of a person is desirable tarns and cute as any other, but society can generate a sense of inadequacy body, and therefore that eroticism be undermined. Also as the couple agrees and understands the different corporalities can influence sexuality have a rather healthy or harmful partner. How sexual situations are traded is also part of having a healthy sex life and self-care as stimulated in the relationship.
It is well understood that such a harmful couple in their opinion of our body generates an unhealthy sexuality and therefore also a low self-esteem and the feeling that our body is not erotic, sexuality causing ill.
Little or no negotiation in sexual situations generated sexual violence, which is seen by sometimes creating situations that endanger life or health, such as not wanting to negotiate the constant use of condom during sex. This type of violence should not be allowed self-care should be above sexually please our partners.
Sexual health and partners should be evaluated in relation to the mutual satisfaction is healthy, respect, self-satisfaction, eroticism, erotic toys practices, and the recurrent use of mechanisms that ensure the health of both or more members that shape the sexual act.

And finally healthy sexuality and sexuality go through self-respect and the rejection of letting pass to take our rights both what we want do, as in the erotic and desirable feel.

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